宇宙定数が予言する宇宙の未来とは。What is the future of the universe predicted by the cosmological constant?
Einstein introduced the cosmological constant as a painstaking measure because the universe collapses instantly in his theory, but he switches to the expansion cosmology and throws away the cosmological constant.
Ironically, in the latest cosmology, the cosmological constant is once again in the limelight.
It is said that the cosmological constant explains the expansion of the universe well.
But remember, the cosmological constant is as large as the gravitational force and works in the opposite direction to support the universe that collapses instantly.
Perhaps the reason why the cosmological constant was buried is that we cannot realize its existence.
So why can't we feel the cosmological constant?
The attractive force is a force that converges toward the center of mass, while the cosmological constant is a force that diverges outward from the center of mass.
The function of the cosmological constant is maximum in the region near the center of mass, and it weakens relatively rapidly as it diverges.
Although weakened, the cosmological constant also reaches as far as gravitational force.
Since the cosmological constant can also be expressed as a vector, it can be added, and the more it is added, the stronger it is naturally.
The cosmological constant will be observed as a stronger force as it is farther away.
It is a mischief of the cosmological constant that is added and strengthened that the light appears to be accelerated as it is farther away.
When we accept the existence of the cosmological constant, the singularity disappears.
The action of the cosmological constant becomes stronger as it gets closer to the center of mass, so the cosmological constant should work stronger toward the center of mass of the black hole.
Black holes do not collapse indefinitely and do not have singularities.
Dr. Hawking predicted the evaporation of black holes, but instead of evaporating, they would cause a big explosion.
The accumulation of huge masses will generate the cosmological constant on a tremendous scale.
A big explosion will occur at the moment when the cosmological constant exceeds the force of convergence due to the attractive force.
What if multiple black holes explode all at once?
In Super-Kamiokande, the rupture of a single photomultiplier tube causes a number of ruptures in a chain reaction, leaving the parties in a desperate situation for a moment.
Fortunately, Super-Kamiokande has been restored and is still a big success, but it is quite possible that a huge explosion of a single giant black hole will spread in a chain reaction.
If a supermassive black hole chain reaction explosion occurs, multiple voids will occur.
A model in which multiple universes form like bubbles probably saw this phenomenon.
It can also be assumed that multiple universes will occur in multiple airspaces sandwiched between multiple voids.
The multiverse model, in which multiple universes are born at the same time, may also refer to the situation where multiple universes are born at the same time in the territory sandwiched between voids.
The beginning of the universe may be caused by a big explosion, but the birth of the universe was not an expanding space-time, but a space-time compressed by voids.
Eventually, the universe may once again be reset by a chain-reactive explosion of supermassive black holes, but that's still a long way off.
Only God will know when that is at this point.
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