新型コロナウイルスとワクチン接種の経過の差と食生活と腸内細菌叢と腎臓の健康状態。 Differences in the course of the new coronavirus and vaccination, dietary habits, intestinal microflora, and kidney health.
What kind of difference is being conducted between people who are less affected by the new coronavirus infection and vaccination and those who are more affected after being infected or vaccinated?
Isn't it the diet and the intestinal flora that are overlooked?
Although they were healthy before infection and vaccination, if there is a difference in the progress after infection or vaccination, it is thought that the only differences are dietary habits and intestinal microflora.
In recent years, the correlation between dietary habits and allergies has attracted attention, but the relationship between dietary habits and intestinal microflora has received particular attention.
At least I don't remember hearing any stories that compared the difference in the course after infection with the new coronavirus or after vaccination and the difference in the correlation between diet and intestinal microflora.
Isn't this a blind spot in investigating the relationship between the new coronavirus and health?
I'm also concerned about kidney health.
This is because we have come to understand that the condition of the kidneys affects the health of the whole body more than we imagine.
I have come to realize that the medicines that I have been prescribed because I believe they are necessary can actually exhaust the kidneys.
If you want to know how the course of COVID-19 infection and vaccination might differ, you should look at diet, gut microbiota, and kidney health.
| 固定リンク
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