軍拡と言う名の暴力団の論理とカルトの手口に目覚めよ。Wake up to the logic and cult tricks of gangsters called militarization.
Why are so many people unaware of this cult called militarization?
He believes that cults take the form of religion.
The essence of cults is to take advantage of people's anxiety, cling to things that they can see, and incite the fear of losing them, driving them to stop thinking and brainwashing them.
Why are so many people unable to break free from the curse of military expansion?
The logic of military expansion is to silence neighboring countries by threatening them with force, which is similar to gangsters. Because it is the same as a cult.
Although it is a cult itself in that "arms expansion" drives people to stop thinking and brainwashes people with fear, it does not take the form of religion, so many people are not aware of the danger, so it can be said that it is an extra dangerous situation. increase.
This is probably because intimidation by force silences not only neighboring countries but also its own citizens, who are brainwashed by a cult called military expansion.
I want you to realize that unless the brainwashing of the cult called military expansion is solved, it is hopeless to escape from the vicious cycle of military expansion and war.
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