ホログラフィック理論は本当か。 Is the holographic theory true?
Two-dimensional models are favored when discussing black holes.
However, the original gravity is a four-dimensional space-time phenomenon, so it is impossible for a space-time to sink forever.
It is more natural to view the space-time around a black hole as compressed to the extreme, where time is stretched out to near eternity.
The answer derived from the theory of relativity is that time slows down as the gravity increases, but this has been confirmed by experiments with the latest optical lattice clock technology.
It is said that even light cannot escape from a black hole, but because of the magnitude of gravity, it takes almost forever to reach the black hole itself, so it is more appropriate to say that it is unpredictable when it will return.
Of course, the information of matter swallowed by the black hole is preserved, and it cannot be destroyed as long as it is swallowed by the black hole.
It's compressed to the limit, so it doesn't retain its original form, but it doesn't mean that even the form of elementary particles is lost.
Matter and information trapped in a black hole cannot be released until the black hole collapses.
The energy emitted by a black hole consists of heat and electromagnetic waves, but information can only be obtained from electromagnetic waves.
However, the information obtained from electromagnetic waves is limited to the state and type of the source.
Strictly speaking, heat is emitted from the black hole itself, and electromagnetic waves are emitted from the surroundings of the black hole.
Holographic theory is an attractive hypothesis, but it should be remembered that it is only a hypothesis.
The time of the companion of matter swallowed by the black hole is almost forever delayed, but when viewed from the outside of the black hole, the matter seems to stay on the space-time horizon forever.
It is the result of the distortion of space-time to the limit, and it is only because the passage of time is no longer measurable because the space-time seen from the observer from the outside is stretched so much that no new theory is introduced. You don't have to.
Quantum theorists seem to want to say that it can be explained by complementarity, but it can be explained simply by sticking to the principles of relativity theory.
Rather, the problem is that relativity experts are too frightened of black holes.
The reason is that it still relies on 2D models that are easy to work with.
This is despite the fact that real gravity is a four-dimensional space-time phenomenon.
Adopting new explanations one after another and making the theory more and more complicated reminds us of the terminal phase of the Ptolemaic theory.
Here it is better to pursue a simpler theory.
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