重力波分光学は可能か。 Is gravitational wave spectroscopy possible?
Gravitational waves have already been detected.
The problem is that it is difficult to detect minute gravitational waves that occur on a daily basis.
Laser interferometer-type gravitational wave detectors can only detect large gravitational waves caused by large events.
If so, isn't it necessary to change the way of thinking?
I propose a plan to detect minute gravitational waves as pressure propagation.
With the help of quantum theory, it may be possible to create devices that can detect minute gravitational waves.
If we can develop a piezoelectric element that can detect changes in pressure caused by minute gravitational waves, it should not be impossible.
It may be possible to use the properties of electrons as waves to detect minute gravitational waves.
The possibility of detecting minute gravitational waves as electronic wave fluctuations is worth investigating.
If the laser interferometric gravitational wave detector is a telescope, the microgravitational wave detector would be a spectrophotometer.
If it becomes possible, it will open up a new field of gravitational wave spectroscopy.
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