重力波の正体は電磁波なのか。 Are gravitational waves really electromagnetic waves?
Gravity can be reduced to an electromagnetic force.
This is really why gravitational waves can be described by the same equation as electromagnetic waves.
Why can gravitational waves be described by equations of the same form as electromagnetic waves?
Both are waves propagated by the alternation of two elements.
Gravity waves are sparse and dense waves, i.e., waves composed of two elements, sparse and dense.
On the other hand, an electromagnetic wave is a wave composed of two elements: an electric field wave and a magnetic field wave.
So, both can be described by the same form of expression.
Sparse and dense gravitational waves are densities of energy.
The question, then, is what is that energy?
Energy is expressed as the square of velocity.
Einstein states that the speed of propagation of gravitational waves is equal to the speed of light.
The energy transmitted by gravitational waves can be described as the square of the speed of light.
Photons are members of the subatomic particles that carry energy.
This could mean that the true nature of the energy transmitted by gravitational waves is electromagnetic energy.
The sparse and dense waves conveyed by gravitational waves can be replaced by the sparse and dense waves of electromagnetic energy.
If the true nature of gravitational waves is that they are sparse waves of electromagnetic energy, they can naturally affect the energy of light.
The more distant the light comes from, the more it is affected by gravitational waves as a sparse wave of electromagnetic energy, which diminishes its energy and red-shifts it.
In other words, gravitational waves can explain why the redshift is greater for more distant light without assuming the expansion of the universe.
Dark matter and dark energy could also be explained in terms of the energy transmitted by gravitational waves and its conversion into mass.
It will probably also be possible to explain why objects with stronger magnetic fields have smaller mass values.
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« お互いを知ろうとする忍耐と寛容のいる取り組みを馬鹿にして平和が作れるわけがないと気が付く方が良い。 | トップページ | エネルギーの疎密波として見れば電磁波も重力波も同じ仲間。 If you look at it as a dense wave of energy, electromagnetic waves and gravitational waves are the same group. »
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