エネルギーの疎密波として見れば電磁波も重力波も同じ仲間。 If you look at it as a dense wave of energy, electromagnetic waves and gravitational waves are the same group.
Both gravity and electrical force can be described by the same formula as Coulomb force, and gravitational waves and electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed.
Both electromagnetic waves and gravitational waves are waves that can be described by the same form of formula that reach far distances.
On the other hand, gravitational waves are longitudinal waves, while electromagnetic waves are transverse waves caused by electric and magnetic fields.
But let's say that gravitational waves are a type of electromagnetic wave.
Depending on the wavelength of light, there is pressure and the strength of the photoelectric effect.
The change in the intensity of light energy as a shear wave is expressed by the change in amplitude, but if the change in the intensity of light energy is expressed as a change in density, it can be converted into a longitudinal wave.
In other words, both electromagnetic waves and gravitational waves can be treated as longitudinal waves that express changes in energy intensity as changes in density.
Electromagnetic waves are classified according to their wavelength and generation mechanism.
If so, what is the problem in treating gravitational waves as a type of electromagnetic wave with different wavelengths and generation mechanisms?
Isn't it just that the frequency is so high and the wavelength is so short that the nature of the dense wave has been pushed to the fore?
The straightness of light is perfectly fine if we look at it because it behaved as a dense wave of energy.
The problem of quantum wave and particle nature is also not a problem at all when viewed as a dense wave of energy.
The redshift of light from a distance would also be problematic if we were observing the attenuation of energy caused by gravitational waves as dense electromagnetic waves.
In other words, all kinds of electromagnetic waves have an aspect of gravitational waves.
Wouldn't it be better to add it to the consideration of the true nature of dark matter and dark energy?
| 固定リンク
« 重力波の正体は電磁波なのか。 Are gravitational waves really electromagnetic waves? | トップページ | 天体からの光や電磁波の赤方偏移は重力波のいたずらだ。 The redshift of light and electromagnetic waves from celestial bodies is a prank of gravitational waves. »