天体からの光や電磁波の赤方偏移は重力波のいたずらだ。 The redshift of light and electromagnetic waves from celestial bodies is a prank of gravitational waves.
The redshift of light and electromagnetic waves from celestial bodies is not evidence of the expansion of the universe.
A wave is a phenomenon in which the state of motion is moving, and as a result, kinetic energy is carried.
Waves are both a phenomenon in which excited energy is released and energy is propagated.
In other words, all waves behave as dense waves, or longitudinal waves, as a phenomenon of kinetic energy carried.
Therefore, waves are also a phenomenon that applies pressure in the direction of travel.
Einstein saw attraction as a state of space-time distorted by matter, but he did not consider how matter distorts space-time.
So he couldn't understand what the agonizing cosmology term meant.
The true nature of the cosmological term was gravitational waves as dense waves of energy.
He didn't notice this, so he mistook the redshift of light coming from space as evidence of cosmic expansion.
The redshift of light coming from space can be explained by considering the pressure that gravitational waves exert on light.
Since the speed of light is constant, energy attenuation can only be realized as an elongation of wavelength.
The redshift of light and electromagnetic waves from celestial bodies was nothing more than a prank made by gravitational waves working hard to hold the universe together.
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« エネルギーの疎密波として見れば電磁波も重力波も同じ仲間。 If you look at it as a dense wave of energy, electromagnetic waves and gravitational waves are the same group. | トップページ | G7参加のキリスト教国はなぜに神より核抑止力に頼る? Why do Christian nations participating in the G7 rely on nuclear deterrence rather than God? »
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