The cosmological constant was defined by Einstein as the force of equal magnitude and opposite direction to gravity.
Gravitational force, also known as universal gravitational force, is a force that acts on all matter.
If the cosmological constant is the same magnitude as the gravitational force and acts in the opposite direction, it should act on all matter in the same way as the gravitational force.
Naturally, black holes should be no exception.
Inside a black hole, there is a dynamic equilibrium between gravitational pull and the cosmological constant, so there is no singularity.
Why is the cosmological constant so difficult to find?
The cosmological constant diverges from the center while the gravitational force concentrates at the center.
Since the surface of matter is outwardly convex when viewed as a whole, that is, the curvature is positive, the cosmological constant must diverge from the center.
In a narrow range, the gravitational force and the cosmological constant can be regarded as approximately parallel, so there is a period of dynamic equilibrium between the gravitational force and the cosmological constant.
Then, materials accumulate inside the curved surface where the dynamic equilibrium works.
As the gravitational collection of materials progresses, we reach a stage where the action of the cosmological constant acting between the gravitationally accumulated materials overcomes the gravitational compression.
Beyond a critical point where the dynamic balance between gravitational force and the cosmological constant breaks down, the black hole collapses and explodes, releasing the materials accumulated inside.
This process also produces heavy elements.
The problem is the collapse of supermassive black holes.
A powerful shock wave spreads to the surroundings, and a chain reaction may occur that causes the collapse of the black hole.
A sufficiently large shock wave can generate new voids.
If even one void is generated, the existing voids will collapse in a chain reaction, new voids will fill the outer space, and the formation of galaxies will begin again between the voids.
The cosmological constant is a very simple and clear function that not only prevents the universe from collapsing due to gravitational force, but also releases black holes from singularities and explains the whole process of creation, maintenance and extinction of the universe.
Quantum theory has also developed a theory that can explain gravity, and it seems likely that a black hole will not collapse indefinitely.
However, reviving the classical mechanics idea that the cosmological constant and the gravitational force are in an action-reaction relationship, which was introduced into the theory of relativity by Einstein, would not only yield the same result, but also the void generation mechanism. Not only that, but we can create an attractive theory that can explain the process of the birth of the universe.